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For years we have known that our public education system is not equitable. The COVID-19 pandemic further proved that point as schools across the country struggled to deal with the challenges the pandemic posed. However, some schools were able to adjust much more easily than others. 


Quality public education should be available to all American children, regardless of their zip code. We need to invest more in public schools and our teachers to give them the resources they need to provide our children with a great education. We must also ensure our children are able to learn in a safe and healthy environment. School lunches should be provided free of charge to any student who wants them, regardless of their family’s economic status. 


One of Dan’s top priorities will be increased federal funding for free pre-K and early childhood development, especially daycare and programs for children ages zero to three. Data shows that the earlier a child is given access to high-quality programs the better outcomes that child will have. In addition, free early childhood daycare for less advantaged Americans would allow parents to return to work and maintain steady jobs, thereby reducing poverty for many new parents.  


Dan supports student debt forgiveness for the most financially stressed and those defrauded by for-profit schools. Congress should focus on making higher education more affordable and finding solutions to lower interest rates of student loans. Dan also believes community colleges and vocational schools should be tuition-free. 


In New York State, we have great public university systems that are in need of more help from Washington: SUNY and CUNY. Both systems offer excellent, affordable education, and Dan believes that the federal government can do more to support them. Funding from Washington for both SUNY and CUNY would make college more affordable and also encourage more students to attend the city and state’s public universities.

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